
What to Expect at a Service
No previous experience is required to join us for worship. There is no dress code, no need to be the best, just come as you are and know we are here with you on the journey.
We follow the mystical tradition of experiencing our Creator through liturgy, a form of worship that involves prayer, singing, reading Holy Texts, and preaching. You are given a printed bulletin to enable to participate fully in the hour that we are together. Our director of music has assembled a beautiful choir and you will find their music has the power to transport the mind to a place of quiet and contemplation.
Our services are one hour in length with a time of coffee and conversation to follow in our parish hall.
Our minister Rev. Wendy is available to answer any questions or address any needs you may have in your life. She is also available during the week. You can reach her at
wendymencel@diohuron.org or call the church office.
Currently children are welcome in the main service. There are toys and activities laid out for them they can utilize during worship. As we continue to grow, it is our prayer we can begin a church school that meets during worship time. Youth is a very important ministry we are establishing. Rev. Wendy has much experience with youth leadership and is working on starting a youth group that meets once a week in the church.
Please stay tuned for updates. As we continue to grow and change, we hope you will find joining us a welcome break in your week.
We invite you to attend one of our services and experience the difference at Trivitt.
What do I wear?We welcome you as you are. From shorts and a t-shirt, to suit and tie – come in whatever you feel the most comfortable wearing. Masking is optional indoors. Anyone who wishes to remain masked is welcome to do so, as we continue to care for one another.
What should I expect upon arrival?When you arrive, you may be greeted by one of our greeters who will give you a bulletin for the service. They will be able to answer any questions you may have upon arrival. If you have children, they are welcome to stay in the service with toys and books located at the back of the church for their enjoyment. We love to hear children so no need to make sure they “keep quiet.” We consider their presence a true gift. You are welcome to sit anywhere, but our friendly greeters are also available to guide you in if you wish. They can also guide you to the location of the washrooms and the parish hall where we enjoy a time of friendship and food after the service.
What to expect in our services?We have one 10:30am service that is a traditionally modern Anglican service. The service has relevant, biblically based preaching and Holy Communion. We sing traditional hymns and have time for prayer. During the offertory hymn, a plate will be passed around to collect the monetary offering that Sunday. What you give is up to you and your situation. The offertory allows Trivitt to continue the mission and ministry here in Exeter. We believe God has blessed us with many gifts and in Thanksgiving, we give back to God through the church. After the services individual prayer is available for those who need it. Refreshments are offered after each service so you can make some new friends.
Is the church building accessible?Yes, it is. There is an access ramp on the South side of the building located on Gidley Street. We also have a complimentary wheelchair for your comfort. The priest adminsters communion at the altar rail located on the floor, but if mobility is a challenge she will come to your pew.
How do I become a member of the church congregation?Please fill out one of the yellow envelopes found in each pew with your name, address, phone etc. and Rev. Wendy will be in touch to discuss membership.